Saturday, December 7, 2013

Acid Reflux!

So a few weeks ago I experienced something I never have before heartburn.  NASTY heartburn!  Heartburn that made me  want to seek medical attention and beg for drugs!  I take a prescription acid reflux pill.  I have for almost two years now and as soon as I started taking it I felt amazing.  Throughout this pregnancy I haven't gotten sick and since the second trimester started I have felt totally fine but one night something didn't agree my digestive system and I felt it!  Saturday I ate a big bowl of cereal for breakfast and when Jeff asked what I wanted for lunch nothing sounded good and I felt yucky, not stomach bug sick and not flu sick...just off.  So, I asked for chicken noodle soup from Chick-fil-A.  I could only eat three bites.  All afternoon I rolled around on the couch and moaned.  For dinner that night I had oatmeal and only because Jeff made me eat.  I was miserable.  I had about three tums and I got in bed early and willed myself to sleep to try and escape that awful feeling.

Sunday I woke up feeling great and starving after a day of not eating much!  So, I went to McDonald's for breakfast. I got pancakes and sausage and washed it down with a hot chocolate.  YUM!  I was still super hungry at lunch and got a burger from Rafferty's for lunch with an order of the good ole boy cheese fries.  DOUBLE YUM!!  And then...all that started to hurt me.  For dinner on Sunday night I had four tums and a cup of yogurt.

Did you ever have one of "those" nights in college or early 20s where you drink so much and the next day (or two) you're totally out of commission and you're trying to make a deal with God, 'Dear Lord, I will never drink again if you let me live?"  Yeah, I was doing that on Sunday night!  I promised if he let me live and took away that awful pain and let me sleep I would never eat nasty food again.  I have lived up to that fairly well, too!  Considering I've watched what I've eaten since then I haven't had any problems!  Yay!

Nugget on the Move!

It's official.  Nugget is kicking, moving or something.  I feel it!  It all started Wednesday night.  I got up to pee...not unusual!  When I got back in bed I felt like gas bubbles were moving around and I thought that I'd have to get up to poop soon (Sorry, but true).  No, that didn't happen.  Then on Thursday night I felt those "gas bubbles" again...with no gas.  And last night I finally decided it wasn't gas but a baby in my belly.  This morning after breakfast this little joker started knocking HARD!  I could actually put my hand on the spot and feel it with my hand as well as on the inside.  That's pretty darn cool!  I've heard my friends say that when they are up moving around the baby is calm.  When they are sitting and trying to rest the baby gets active and starts kicking.  I'm enjoying these little nudges right now but I'm sure at some point in the future I'll want this "floppy" "hyper" baby to calm down and let me rest!  Since mid-October it hasn't felt real because I have felt great and my mornings were no longer rough.  I'm still sleeping great, with the exception of having to get up at night to pee.

Speaking of getting up at night to pee, I decided I didn't need my right leg last week and I tried to knock it off in the middle of the night!  Pain!  Oh! My! Gosh!  The pain!!  I got up to pee and I was hurrying back to bed because it was so cold and as I rounded the corner to my side of the bed I hit my leg on the bed frame and it took me to the ground!  We've had this bed for TEN YEARS!  We've been in this house for SEVEN YEARS!  The bed has not changed in any way in all those years.  We haven't rearragned the furniture.  We haven't lowered or raised the is in the same spot with the same dimensions as it has for all the years we've been married.  I hit the corner with my right shin so hard that I didn't cry, I just sank to the floor and moaned.  It took my breath a way.  I was able to finally get up and hobble to the bed and eventually get back to was PAINFUL!  The next morning I still had not looked at my leg and asked Jeff to check it because I was afraid of how nasty it would be.  It wasn't as bad as I expected but it happened almost two weeks ago and it still has a knot and a big ugly scab!  Yes, I drew blood through flannel pants! I am talented!

And while we're on the subject of pain in the night...being woken up by the weather radio alarm two nights in a row is PAINFUL!  What an awful noise.  I would tell you that I'm pretty slow these days.  If the most annoying alarm goes off in the middle of the night you will move your tail as fast as you can to make it stop!  Does the national weather service really need to issue a "Winter Storm Warning" or "Ice Storm Warning" at 3:30 and 4:00 a.m.?  Seriously?  Isn't that something that can wait until at least 6:00 or 6:30...or just leave it to the news guys.  The only reason I need to be jolted awake like that is by a tornado warning where we'll actually need to seek shelter!  Not a fan of the weather radio this week!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

What Dreams May Come

Okay, not to reference the book or movie...just my nightly adventures!  Most of my friends and family know that I have WILD dreams on a regular basis...add pregnancy to that and that just get Ka-razier!  Holy Moly!  Some nights I actually look forward to what adventure may happen and other nights I dread the craziness!  Also, most nights I can track my dreams to what I've watched, read, or done lately.  Not so much these days!  Now it is full on wack-a-mole craziness happening in my brain.  If some scientist could ever figure out how to put a USB port in my brain to allow people to "plug in" they would be highly entertained...and maybe a little scared.  Here are some highlights:

Lately I've been dreaming about kittens.  Seriously?  Kittens?  I am highly allergic to cats!  HIGHLY so I stay as far away from them as possible.  Not because I'm not an animal person and not because I don't like them but because I physically can't be around get this: 

One night I dreamed that I was eating kittens...with chopsticks.  It was like it was totally normal.  I had a takeout box of rice on the left and a box of kittens on the right and I was going to town eating my rice and kittens.  I remember picking up one and thinking, "Oh, you're too fluffy and fat.  You won't go down well."  And I put it back in the box and proceeded to eat some rice instead.  So, now I want to go eat some Japanese but seriously, what were the kittens about? 

The very next night I dreamed that one of my favorite kids wanted to give me a kitten.  He lives on a farm and they have lots of animals and I dreamed that he told his dad he wanted to give me a kitten and when I got to work they were waiting on me and they gave me this kitten.  I didn't tell them I was allergic (or that apparently I now eat them) or that I don't want a cat in the house and that cats aren't good for babies (right?).  I took the kitten and loved it and took it home to be my pet.  Okay...

Then last night I dreamed that a good friend in Memphis had me be a bridesmaid in a wedding for a girl I didn't know.  The intended bridesmaid couldn't be in the wedding and I was the only person that she could think of that would fit in the dress and I could still fit in the dress but the whole time we tried to hide the fact that I was pregnant...and my parents knew the bride's family but I didn't.  It was SO strange! And then the bride was wearing this necklace and we all thought it was gorgeous costume (fake) jewelry...and it turns out that it was REAL and it was worth Billions.  Even the bride didn't know it was real until a wedding guest told her.  It was just all so bizarre. 

All my dreams are so bizarre!  Of course, I guess I am, too!

All Good in the Hood

We just got finished with our November doctor's appointment.  I really wasn't thinking about what I wear to the doctor's office and how that can (and probably did) affect my weight.  I am wearing my boots today and I had on my coat and this nurse gave me a look like, "I know you're not about to waste my time taking all that stuff off."  So, I hopped on the scale with boots and coat on and what do you know...I'm up NINE pounds from last month!  Hey, I'm not denying a weight gain but I certainly don't feel like it was NINE pounds.  I wanted to ask for a re-do before we left but she had disappeared and you know I'd probably break the thing trying to turn it on and Jeff was ready to I'm up a total of 14 pounds since August.  Any bets at what I'll be in December?

So, after she weighed me we went in the exam room and she was trying to check the baby's heartbeat.  Just when we'd start to hear it, it would stop...personally I think she should have left that wand on the spot where she picked it up but she thought my stomach was a race track and that little wand was her match car so she was zooming all around my belly.  She finally got a "decent" reading but she didn't seem happy with it.  Way to go Ricky Bobby!  Maybe if you'd slow down a little and focus in on the BABY you'd get a decent reading.  I wish Bren had been with me to tell this lady to stick to what she knows (that's a Juno reference for all you non-Juno lovers out there).  The "disappointing reading" was 144 and to quote the nurse, "You've got a floppy baby!"  She left and I looked at Jeff and said, "We've got a floppy baby."  He looked at me funny and said, "I thought that's what she said." 

So, all is well in the womb and we'll go back in December. 

Bren:  Oh, you think you're so special because you get to play Picture Pages up there?  Well, my five year old daughter could do that and let me tell you, she's not the brightest bulb in the tanning bed.  So why don't you go back to night school in Mantino and learn a real trade. 

Juno:  Bren!  You's a dick!  I love it!

Thank you...and scene. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Facebook, Gender and Clothes?

Please feel free to give me your thoughts and opinions on these subjects.  These are thoughts that have been "marinating" for a while.  I've always had thoughts, like I'm sure every adult does, "When I have a kid I will..."  "When I have a kid I won't..." And the reality is that we won't know until we have that kid and begin to find that whole family balance and what we can, can't, will, and won't tolerate!  I just don't know how I'm going to react to things and here are the things that I've been thinking about as we get further along in this pregnancy and closer to finding out who my passenger is and closer to "D-Day".

Facebook:  The older I get and the more I look at Facebook the less I like it.  And yes, this comes from a person that checks it at least twice a day, sometimes more depending on what is going on with my day!  I LOVE being able to keep up with family that is out of town and dear friends that live far away.  I LOVE being able to see pictures of them and their families and what they are doing with their lives now.  I HATE some of the train wreck people on there and yet I can't seem to delete them because they are kind of fun/funny to watch and make me feel better about myself and my life (sad but true).  And so while I just said that I LOVE seeing my far away friends and pictures of them and their families I have had ZERO desire to post my news (Baby, new job, etc.) on FB and really don't feel like anyone posting my news either.  It is OUR news (Jeff HATES all social media and hates that I have a FB account).  I feel like it is OUR choice whether to say anything on social media and whether we post anything pertaining to us.  For some reason I am loving having this bit of information semi-private.  It's not a secret.  We want the world to know but we want the world to know the old fashioned way, calling, visiting, e-mailing, texting.  I just don't feel ready for social media...and then I have this other thought.  This little nugget is too small to make the decision about whether he/she wants their life splashed across social media.  What if this kid runs for president?  What if this kid becomes an admiral, general, preacher, doctor, lawyer, environmental advocate...ANYTHING.  Does this professional adult really want the world to be able to see silly baby pictures of him/her in the bathtub?  Dressed for Halloween?  I just don't know!  I want to share this joy with my friends and family and I want to respect who this person may become one day.  These are super deep thoughts about social media, I know...but that's what I'm thinking about lately!  What's your take on these things?

Gender Reveal:  So, I really feel the desire to NOT find out.  Jeff wants to find out.  Jeff Lester can keep a secret.  He can rival Fort Knox.  I'm pretty sure if Jeff Lester were ever kidnapped and dosed with truth serum he still wouldn't give up his secrets.  He's that good.  But if the doctor, nurse, ultrasound tech tells him I know it will eat at me for the remaining months that he knows and I don't! So, since he wants to know so badly I feel like we should find out.  I feel the need for him to make some decisions about this baby, too and we will eventually find out so why not in December instead of April?  Now, the second part of this is if we know do we tell others?  I kind of want to keep it private (just the two of us).  We can know and we can buy bedding and the bigger items and we can register for lots of yellow and green things for everything else and the world can be surprised in April.  Well, I have a big mouth!  Yep, even I know it.  And I know that I would say, "Well, his room is almost ready" or "She's going to be..." and just blow that right out of the water.  Why I want to hold and cherish this nugget of information is beyond me...but I do.  And then there is the "fairness" of telling people.  Who do we tell first?  Do we have a party?  Do we ask our family to keep our secret?  I do feel if we decide to tell our family what we're having then we won't ask them to keep it a secret.  I can't ask them to do something I'm not sure I can do myself!  So, we'll probably find out and probably tell our family at Christmas and then tell our extended family and friends the way we told them we were expecting.

Names:  I really do think we might keep the name to ourselves.  Again, don't know why.  I just think we've told everything else, we might as well savor something before the world gets to know.  I have a lot of friends that haven't told the names of their passengers and I didn't get it at first and now I do!  Different reasons from different people. One friend didn't want her family to bash the name she and her husband picked so they didn't tell.  Another friend didn't tell because she didn't want a bunch of monogrammed clothes that she couldn't pass down to other possible future children.  I kind of like both of their reasoning.  I'm not saying there will be future babies...or there won't.  I'm just saying that if we have a kid now we might want to be able to share clothes with friends and family members and by not having names and monograms on them we can actually share.  Another thing that a friend said is that she and her husband didn't share what they were having because they didn't want to get a sea of blue items or a sea of pink.  They wanted bottles, diapers, and other useful items.  She was telling me that when people know what you're having they ditch the registry and buy the cutsie things they want instead of what you need.  And yet another friend said the style of your child is something that you get to choose and when people know what you're having they seem to want to buy clothes for your kids when in reality you probably don't like anything they buy.  Which brings me to my next topic..clothes.

Clothes:  If this is a girl there will be no sequins or rhinestones or a lot of other things...we're having a daughter, not a stripper.  If this is a boy, no jon-jon embroidered mess.  I told a friend once long ago that I thought it looked like people really wanted a girl and dressed their boy in those frilly clothes to try and compensate for the gender they didn't get.  So, save your money folks.  Well dress him or her in the clothes we feel are appropriate for their gender and age!

See, I'm thinking of all these things and we've got SO long to go!  I don't know how I'll actually feel, react and be by the time we get to find out, pick a name and deliver this nugget.  I just don't know but these are some of the random thoughts that are rumbling through my head!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Ferocious Mama Bear

Have any of you ever seen how protective I can be of Jeff?  Yeah, it's a bit of an issue I have.  And it's not so much a "don't mess with my man" thing as, "Don't hurt my partner!"  I love that guy more that I thought it was possible for people to love their husbands and I only want good things for him and I have a hard time with situations and people that I think might be hurtful and painful for him...even though he is a grown man and knows his own limits and doesn't do anything he can't handle. I still have a strong need to stand and protect.

Guys, it's going to get worse!  If you think I'm a little over the top about Jeff then just wait for this nugget to arrive and see if I don't get arrested.  It's going to be VERY hard for me to just let things happen and not try to control situations and people.  I am going to need EVERY ONE'S help.  Seriously, I need your prayers, support and understanding.  I want this kid to grow up in a loving, happy and supportive environment...and a lot of that is on ME!  I need to let this kid experience the love, support and affection (or lack thereof) from the world as it comes.  I need to raise a happy, healthy child that is balanced and well adjusted enough to take the lumps that comes his/her way, as well as all the great things.  I will need every one's help with this truly!

I am super sensitive to...everything right now.  Smells, food, people, music, commercials, EVERYTHING!  You name it and I will treat it like the spectators of the Gladiators all those years ago.  Thumbs up or thumps down...I don't seem to be capable of easy middle ground.  I either love stuff or I want to make it stop!

Smells: I have never been super sensitive to smells.  Jeff is the person in the house with the "dog nose".  But now I smell everything and it is ROUGH!  There is an air freshener at work that I seriously contemplated asking our office manager to remove from the building because I swear it gives me a headache!  One morning we met Jeff's family for breakfast at IHOP and I had to leave the table because the guy seated behind me smelled like smoke, wood smoke and cigarette smoke.  I had to move away from someone at a dinner one night because her perfume was too strong for me.  I hate going into certain shops because of all the smells, candles, air freshners, etc.!  And there are some people that smell SO good!  Someone at work has the best smelling perfume!  I haven't figured out who yet but she smells great!  Oh, and cookies!  I love the smell of cookies....or bakeries.  I swear I'd bake cookies every night just to make the house smell like fresh baked cookies!  Once I tried to clean out the fridge and while nothing smelled offensive to me the thought of something smelling offensive sent me running to the bedroom and I was yelling at Jeff to clean out the fridge!

So, FYI friends and family!  If I find your smells, your house, your perfume, your pheremons offensive I will move away...and I hear you can't bathe newborns every day so DO NOT come to the hospital or my house reeking of something offensive.  And if your perfume makes the list...tough noogies. You have two choices; don't wear the offensive smelling agent or don't come over.  If I can't wash the kid's clothes and body every day I won't smell that nastiness every day either!  You are forewarned!

Noises: noises have always bothered me and the way certain people (myself included) have baby-talked and treated babies like dogs.  I have never worn dangly, jangly bracelets and necklaces and I really don't like them on other people...I don't want to "hear" you when I can't see you.  And when you are expressive and talk with your hands (like I do) it bothers me even more!  There are so many times lately (since our nephew and all our friends have been having kids) that I have noticed people talking to babies like they are dogs, snapping and clicking, clucking and being SO loud and annoying with them...If you treat my kid like a dog I will tell  you that it is a human not a canine and tell (NOT ASK) you to stop.  And if you baby talk my kid in that super annoying way (wish I could explain that better) I will tell you that we have a mini-human, not a clown and there is no need to treat my small, short, tiny human in such a way.  Yeah, words are totally fine with us...stick with them.

AND multiple noises!  I can't take multiple things going at the same time.  If we (a group of people) are talking I can't take someone turning up the TV.  If we're watching TV I can't handle the radio going.  If we're listening to music I can't handle having the TV, unless it's on mute and there is a game on.  I need one activity, one noise maker, one thing at a time.  It's like brain-overload if there are multiple things happening at people talking, TV going and someone singing.  Nope, can't handle it.  So, FYI, if you're at our house there will be only one thing going at a time and if this is after the kid has arrived it will probably be music, no TV.

There are going to be SO many things that bother me.  And some of it is because I'm going to be the inexperienced mother trying to find the work, home, family, life balance.  Some of it will be things that annoyed me before either still annoy me...or are amplified now that I'm pregnant...and soon to be a mother. I am not kidding and I am not being silly and I am not over-exaggerating when I say I need your love, support, understanding and prayers as I try to tackle this new adventure.  I will need my family and friends to tell me that I am overracting and to snap out of it (think of Cher in Moonstruck!) and sometimes I'm going to need a hug and a "Tori, you're being a little riducluous" and sometimes I'm going to need you folks to say,  "How can I help?"

You know the old saying, "It takes a village to raise a child?"  I will need my village!  We will need all of you to help us become the parents we want to be and we will need all of you to help, love and support this kid.  Together we can make it through and have a happy, healthy, balanced, loving child that grows into a happy, healthy, balanced loving adult.   It will take a village and we are blessed to have such a strong and special village!

Getting real in November

So, here we are in November.  I am fifteen weeks pregnant and the "What to Expect" app says that our little baby is the size of an Avocado this week.  And I'm slowly starting to feel pregnant again.  I have always been a stomach sleeper!  ALWAYS!  And I am finally "big" enough that I am very uncomfortable on my stomach.  I remember when I went to prenatal yoga with a friend years ago that it was discussed in class that you shouldn't sleep on your back (which I've never liked anyway) and I'm trying to sleep on my right side.  Anytime I happen to flop over to the left side I get a huff and shove from Jeff to go back the other way.  So, I've got three pillows and I'm trying to get comfortable but it's just not happening.  What we NEED is a new bed.  We were supposed to get each other a king sized bed for Christmas last year.  At the moment I don't care if we keep our queen...I just want/need a new and firmer mattress and bed frame.  After 10 years the bed and mattress are worn out.  GET ME A NEW BED!

Wednesday we had two childhood friends lose their grandmother's and we were supposed to go to the visitation for one and the funeral for the other.  It was going to be a long night but these two guys are important to us and we wanted to show them our love and support.  Well, Wednesday around lunch I started cramping terribly.  It hurt so badly that I was nauseous and had a headache!  I went to talk to our office manager (she's had two kids) and asked her if I should call the doctor's office or if this was normal.  I had looked it up online and it said that "lower abdominal achiness" was normal as the muscles and ligaments were stretching to support my growing baby.  Well, being the weirdo that I am I called in any way just to be safe.  The nurse was very calm and reassuring.  She said it could be gas pains (we did have chili dogs at bunko the night before) and it could be my muscles, bones and ligaments moving, shifting and stretching to make room.  She told me to take a Tylenol and give it two hours.  If it was still hurting then they'd have a doctor see me.  Lunch, Tylenol and putting my feet up for a few minutes really helped a lot but the cramps were still there and the thought of going around and visiting all night long just felt like too much for me.  I asked Jeff if we could stay home.  He said he would have made me even if I'd tried to power through.  So, we stayed home and he cooked me dinner and I popped another Tylenol and went to bed at 8:00!  Oh, it hurt SO bad!  I really, really HURT and while it's hard to explain.  It wasn't a cramp that freaked me out like, :"Uh oh, somethings wrong!"  It wasn't that.  But I definitely felt the need to stay home, lay down and rest.  There are times to listen to your body and I really felt like my body was telling me to rest and as much as I wanted to be there for our friends during this difficult time in their lives I really felt like staying home and resting was the best thing for me.

Right now we refer to this baby as "Nugget".  We've joked with friends that even when we find out what we're having and finally pick out a name we'll still call this baby, "Nugget."  The best Christmas present we'll get this year will be to find out what the gender of "Nugget" is!

And I think I've got this personal time frame of Christmas = gender so I'm ready to put the tree up today!  I have NEVER put up a Christmas tree before Thanksgiving...but I am SO ready to do it this year!!  If you drive by our house and the tree is up...don't judge!  I'm a little too excited this year!